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Our Story - Lexie's Voice Origin Story

Uniquely advocating and supporting families who love and care for an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities.



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Quick Grants

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Future Provider Scholarships

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Early Diagnosis

Providing scholarships to families to aid them in getting their child the diagnosis they need to be able to access resources and educational funding.

Life-Altering Quick Grants

Providing quick grants to families and support systems that will significantly enhance the quality of their lives in a way that was not previously possible.

Future Provider Scholarships

Providing educational scholarships in support of individuals seeking a degree or certification to teach or provide services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Our Story - Lexie's Voice Origin Story

Our Story

Lexie’s Voice founder, Andrea Robertson, experienced firsthand how difficult it was to get her daughter, Lexie, the services she needed—but she refused to give up. She made it her mission to ensure that Lexie, and other children like her, had access to the quality education and support they require.

She tirelessly fought for Lexie’s Law, an Arizona tax credit scholarship program for disabled and displaced students that allows them to receive specialized, private support that best fits their needs. Since it passed in 2009, Lexie’s Law has helped hundreds of children receive a more tailored education. Now, Lexie’s Voice is continuing what Andrea began over a decade ago by continuing to champion a family’s right to pursue the best care for their children.

Since it passed in 2009, Lexie’s Law has helped hundreds of children receive more tailored educational care.

Now, Lexie’s Voice is continuing to fight for these children and families. By providing scholarships, resources, and a community, Lexie’s Voice makes it possible for children to not only get the holistic support they need, but to thrive.  

“[It is] wonderful to see the evolution taking place that is creating a more welcoming society and place for all children and adults on the spectrum.”

- Andrea Robertson, Founder & CEO Lexie’s Voice

Programs of Lexie’s Voice

The Treehouse

A tutoring and life skills program that welcomes high-support-needs teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and provides a place they can be accepted throughout their various stages of life. A program developed individually for each participant with focuses on continued education, independent living, social skills, vocational skills, and recreation.

recreational therapy

Recreational Therapy is a purposeful, holistic process that restores, remediates, and rehabilitates functioning and independence while promoting overall health, wellness and quality of life through the use of recreation.

Donate today to Lexie's Voice

Are you a parent or guardian looking for resources regarding diagnosis & education for your child?

Become a Donor today for Lexie's Voice

Are you a family looking to apply for a quick grant?

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Are you a provider or student looking for scholarships for further education?

Our Team

Andrea Robertson Founder of Lexie's Voice Non Profit

Andrea Robertson

Founder | Get in Touch

Executive Director of Lexie's Voice - Lisa Randall

lisa randall

Executive Director | Get in Touch